Chapter 1 The Living World

Class 11th Biology Important Questions

Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Important Extra Questions Living World

The Living World Important Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1.
Name two organisms that do not reproduce?
Mules, sterile worker bees.

Question 2.
Define ‘living’?
Organisms exhibiting distinctive characters like growth, reproduction, etc. are called living.

Question 3.
Is regeneration a characteristic of living organisms?
Yes, because fragmented organisms regain the lost part of the body.

Question 4.
What is biodiversity? or Define Biodiversity?
The number and variety of organisms present on earth are referred to as biodiversity.

Question 5.
Name the International Authority who gives scientific name to the plants.
International Code for Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)

Question 6.
Write the scientific names of the following
(i) Mango
Mangifera indica

(ii) Human
Homo sapiens

(iii) Cat
Felis Domestica

(iv) Tiger
Panthera tigris.

Question 7.
What is taxonomy?
Taxonomy is the science of classification that is grouping them on the basis of certain similarities.

Question 8.
How does taxonomy differ from systematics?
Systematics is the study of the diversity of plants. The study of systematics leads to their taxonomic grouping.

Question 9.
What is a species?
A population of identical individuals which can freely interbreed to produce fertile off-springs.

Question 10.
What is a taxon?
A level of classification is called taxon e g., species, genus, family, etc. all are taxons.

The Living World Important Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1.
How are zoological parks useful to biologists.
Zoological parks are places where animals are maintained and allowed to breed in natural habitats.
(a) It gives information about endangered animals.
(b) Helps the biologists in developing hybrids with superior quality.
(c) Support the workers of biotechnology.

Question 2.
Write the universal rules of nomenclature.

  1. Biological names are generally in Latin and written in Italics. They are Latinised or derived from Latin irrespective of their origin.
  2. the First word in a biological name represents the genus while the second component denotes a specific epithet.
  3. Both the words in a Biological name when written in hand are separately underlined or printed in Italics to indicate their Latin origin.
  4. First-world denoting genus starts with a capital letter while the specific epithet is written starting with a small word. It can be illustrated with the example of Mangifera indica.
  5. The name of the author appears after a specific epithet i.e., the end of the biological name, and is written in the abbreviated form e.g. Mangifera indica (Linn). It indicates that species was first described by Linnaeus.

Question 3.
Explain about taxonomical aids/tools?
Identification of organisms requires intensive laboratory and field studies. The information about an organism is collected and analyzed. The collection of actual specimens of plant species is essential and is a prime source of taxonomic studies.

These are also fundamental not only to study but also to training in systematics. It is used for the classification of an organism and the information gathered is also stored along with even the specimens. In some cases, the specimen is preserved for future studies.

Biologists have established certain procedures and techniques to store and preserve the information as well as the specimens. These techniques are, in fact, aids available for the identification and classification of organisms. The knowledge of these aids is quite helpful in biological studies. Some of these are explained to help to understand the usage of these aids.

Some of the taxonomical aids are

  1. Herbarium,
  2. Botanical Gardens
  3. Museums
  4. Zoological Parks
  5. Keys.

Question 4.
“Consciousness is a defining property of living organisms.” Explain.
Flora and fauna both respond to physical-chemical or biological environmental stimuli. Awareness of their surroundings makes organisms live. Mimosa pudiea respond to touch. Photoperiodic affects flowering in plants. Thus unicellular microscopic to multicellular huge organisms show the property of consciousness.

Question 5.
Reproduction can’t be an all-inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms? Illustrate the statement.
In nature, there are many organisms that can’t reproduce. Mules, sterile worker bees are some examples of such organisms.

But the non-living object is strictly unable to reproduce.

Viruses are placed between living and non-living. They are crystallized like non-livings but replicate when enter inside living organisms.

The Living World Important Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Question 1.
Explain two defining characteristics of living organisms.
Growth Unicellular and multicellular organisms increase their mass and number through cell-division. Non-livings increase their size by the accumulation of matter.
(a) Cell has protoplasm which is living matter. Cell before division increases their mass through replication of genetic matter. It is absent in non-livings.

(b) Metabolic Activity: Anabolic and catabolic reaction constantly occurs in living organisms, formation and conversion of biomolecules is metabolism.

‘In Vitro, such reactions can be maintained. In non-living, there is the absence of metabolism.

Question 2.
Explain the utility of systematics for classification.
For classification, systematic studies have to carried out.

  1. First, the organisms have to be described for all their morphological and other characteristics.
  2. Based on its characteristic, it is seen whether it is similar (or different) to any known group or taxa-identification is carried out.
  3. Based on its similar characteristic it is then placed in known taxa or the organism is classified. Sometimes organisms are very different from the ones already described anywhere in the world, then they are placed in a new group or ‘taxa’ and named.
  4. Once the organism has been placed in the right taxa-the last step is nomenclature or naming. If the organism is already known-its the correct name is determined. If an organism is not described before-it is given a new name.