1.What is meant by
modification of root? What type of modification of root is found in
Banyan tree
(b) Turnip
(c) Mangrove trees
Soln.Roots of some plants
change their shape and structure and become modified to perform certain
functions other than absorption and conduction of water and minerals. It is
called modification of roots. Roots are modified for support, storage of food
and respiration, etc.
(a) Root modification in banyan tree : In banyan tree,
the root modifies to form prop roots. Prop roots arise from branches and enter
the soil. Thus, they provide mechanical support to densely branched, huge
(b) Root modification in turnip : The
modification of root found in
turnip is napiform for food storage. The upper portion of these fleshy roots is
inflated or swollen which tapers towards the lower end.
(c) Root modification
in mangrove trees : In mangrove plants, i.e., plants growing in saline marshes,
the branches of tap root come out of the ground and grow vertically upwards
showing negative geotropism. These roots are called pneumatophores. They help to
get oxygen for respiration.
2.Justify the following
statements on the basis of external features:
(i) Underground parts of a plant are not always roots.
(ii) Flower is a modified
Soln. (i) Underground
parts of plant are not always roots because sometimes the stem also becomes
underground and gets modified into various forms to perform different functions
of storage, vegetative propagation, perennation, etc. Underground modifications
of stems are tuber, rhizome, corm and bulb. The underground stems can be
distinguished from roots externally by the presence of nodes and internodes,
axillary buds, scale leaves etc. and by absence of root cap and root hairs.
(ii) Flower is the reproductive part of the angiospermic plant and it is defined
as the modified shoot because (a) like shoot, flower develops from an axillary
or rarely terminal bud. (b) flowers may get modified into fleshy buds or
bulbils, (c) A transition from foliage leaves to floral leaves is found in
Paeonia. (d) Nymphaea shows transition from sepals to petals and petals to
stamens, (e) In Passiflora and Cleome long intemodes occur below gynoecium and
3.How is a pinnately compound
leaf different from a palmately compound leaf?
compound leaves may be of two types, pinnately compound leaf and palmately
compound leaf. In pinnately compound leaf, a number of leaflets are present on a
common axis, the rachis, which represents the midrib of the leaf as in neem.
Pinnately compound leaf may be of different types as unipinnate, bipinna te,
tripinna te and decompound. In palmately compound leaf, the leaflets are
attached at a common point, i.e., at the tip of petiole, as in silk cotton.
Palmately compound leaf may be of different types as unifoliate, bifoliate,
trifoliate, quadrifoliate and multifoliate.
4.Explain with suitable
examples the different types of phyllotaxy.
is the pattern of arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch. It is usually of
three types – alternate, opposite and whorled. In alternate type of phyllotaxy,
a single leaf arises at each node in alternate manner, as in china rose, mustard
and sunflower plants. In opposite type, a pair of leaves arises at each node and
lie opposite to each other as in Calotropis and guava plants.
If more than
two leaves arise at a node and form a whorl it is called whorled phyllotaxy as
in Alstonia.
5.Define the following
aestivation (b) placentation
(c) actinomorphic (d) zygomorphic
(e) superior ovary (f) perigynous flower (g) epipetalous
Soln. (a) Aestivation :
The mode of arrange¬ment of accessory floral organs (sepals and petals) in
relation to one another in floral bud is known as aestivation. The main type of
aestivation are valvate, twisted, imbricate, and vexillary.
(b) Placentation
: The arrangement of ovules within the ovary is known as placentation. The
placentation are of different types namely, marginal, axile, parietal, basal,
and free central.
(c) Actinomorphic : When flower can be divided into equal
radial halves in any radial plane passing through the centre, it is said to be
actinomorphic, e.g., mustard, Datura etc.
(d) Zygomorphic : When a flower can
be divided into two similar halves only in one particular vertical plane, it is
said to be zygomorphic, e.g., pea, gulmohar, bean, Cassia.
(e) Superior ovary
: In hypogynous flower, the gynoecium occupies the highest position while the
other parts are situated below it. The ovary in such flowers is said to be
superior, e.g., mustard, brinjal.
(f) Perigynous flower: If gynoecium is
situated in the centre and other parts of the flower are
located on the rim
of the thalamus almost at the same level, it is called perigynous. Here ovary is
half superior, e.g., peach, plum.
(g) Epipetalous stamen : When stamens are
attached to the petals, they are called epipetalous stamens e.g., brinjal.
Racemose and cymose inflorescence
(b) Fibrous root and adventitious root
(c) Apocarpous and syncarpous ovary
(a) Differences between racemose and cymose inflorescence are as
(b) Differences between fibrous and adventitious roots are as
follows :
(c) Differences between apocarpous and syncarpous ovary are
as follows :
7.Draw the labelled diagram
of the following:
(i) Gram seed (ii) V. S. of maize
(i) Gram
(ii) V.S. of maize seed.
8.Describe modifications of
stem with suitable examples.
Stems are modified to perform different functions. Underground stems of some
plants are modified to store food in them. They also act as organs of
perennation to tide over conditions unfavourable for growth. Different
modifications of stem are :
(i) Underground modifications
(iii)Aerial modifications
(i)Underground modifications of
stem are discussed as follows:
(a)Tuber: It is the branch of main stem which
accumulates or stores food in it and swells up, e.g., Solarium tuberosum
(b) Rhizome: It is a branched, prostrate horizontally growing stem
having nodes and internodes. On the nodes sessile scale leaves are formed, e.g.,
Carina, Zingiber officinale (ginger), Curcuma domestica (turmeric) etc.
Corm: This is a spherical,
branched, vertically growing thick underground
stem with more diameter than length, e.g., Crocus sativus (saffron), Gladiolus,
Colocasia esculenta (arvi) etc.
(d) Bulb: In bulb the stem is highly reduced
and can be seen only as a disc-like structure bearing numerous fleshy scaly
leaves, e.g., Allium cepa (onion), Allium sativum (garlic) etc.
Subaerial modifications : Subaerial part of stem grows horizontally on the
ground while some part remains underground. Vegetative propagation takes place
by means of these. They may be of following kinds.
(a) Runner: It grows
prostrate on the surface of soil. It develops at the base of erect shoot called
crown. A number of runners arise from one erect shoot which spread in different
directions. Each runner has one or more nodes which bear scale leaves and
axillary buds, e.g., Cynodon (doob grass).
(b) Stolon: The nodes of
horizontally growing underground stem give rise to branches which come out of
the soil, e.g., Fragaria (strawberry).
(c) Sucker: Suckers are formed from
the node of underground stem. Sucker comes up obliquely in the form of leafy
shoot, e.g., Mentha (mint).
(d) Offset: Stem consists of thick and short
intemodes. The branches are formed from the main stem and upper portion of each
branch bears a group of leaves while the lower portion bears the roots. Each
branch is capable of growing as an independent plant after separating from the
parent plant, e.g., Eichhornia (water hyacinth), Pistia, etc.
modifications : The aerial portion of stem is modified to perform different
functions, e.g., climbing, protection, food manufacturing, etc. It may show
following types of modifications:
(a) Twinners : The stem is long, flexible
and sensitive which can coil around an upright support like a rope, e.g.,
Ipomoea, Convolvulus.
(b) Climbers : The stem is weak and flexible but is
unable to coil around an upright support by itself. It requires the help of
clasping or clinging structures. Accordingly, climbers are of four types : root
climbers, e.g., Betel; tendril climber, e.g., Passiflora; scramblers, e.g.,
Bougainvillea and lianas, e.g., Bauhinia.
(c) Phylloclade: The stem performs
the function of photosynthesis. The stem modifies into green fleshy
structure having distinct nodes and intemodes. Leaves of such
plants are reduced into spines in order to prevent loss of water, e.g., Opantia
(prickly pear), Euphorbia.
(d) Cladode: It is similar to phylloclade with
only one internode, e.g., Asparagus.
(e) Thorn: Stem is modified into stiff,
pointed unbranched or branched structures which have lost their growing point
and become hard, called as thorns, e.g., Bougainvillea,Pomegranate, Citrus, etc.
They perform defensive function.
(f) Tendrils : These are thread like
sensitive structures which can coil around a support and help the plant
climbing, e.g., Cucurbita.
(g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or
floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. It separates from the
parent plant and on approach of favourable condition gives rise to a new plant,
i.e., it is an organ of vegetative reproduction, e.g., Agave, Oxalis.
9.Take one flower each of the
families Fabaceae and Solanaceae and write their semi-technical description.
Also draw their floral diagram after studying them.
Soln.Family Fabaceae
(e.g., Pisum sativum) Systematic position:
Class – Dicotyledoneae
Subclass- Polypetalae
Series – Calyciflorae
Order – Rosales
Family –
Vegetative characters:
Habit: herb. Root: tap, branched, with
root nodules.
Stem: herbaceous, climbing.
Leaves : pinnately compound,
leaf base pulvinate, stipulate, venation reticulate.
Floral characters:
Inflorescence: racemose.
Flower : bisexual, zygomorphic, irregular,
hermaphrodite, white or pink, complete, hypogynous to perigynous.
Calyx :
sepals five, gamosepalous, ascending, imbricate aestivation, campanulate calyx
Corolla : petals five, polypetalous, vexillary aestivation,
papilionaceous, consisting of a posterior standard or vexillum two lateral wings
or alae, two anterior ones forming a keel.
Androecium : 10 stamens in two
bundles (diadelphous) of (9) + 1, anthers dithecous (bilobed), basifixed,
Gynoecium : ovary superior, monocarpellary, unilocular with many
ovules, marginal placentation, style bent and long, stigma simple and-hairy.
Fruit : legume; seeds one to many, non- endospermic.
Floral formula :
Family Solanaceae (e.g., Solanum nigrum) Systematic
Class Subclass Series Order Family
Vegetative characters:
Habit: herbs Stem : herbaceous, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched.
alternate, simple, exstipulate, venation reticulate.
Floral characters:
Inflorescence: cymose.
Flower : ebracteate, ebracteolate, bisexual,
actinomorphic, white, hypogynous.
Calyx : sepals five, gamosepalous,
persistent, valvate aestivation.
Corolla : petals five, gamopetalous,
valvate. aestivation.
Androecium : stamens five, epipetalous, polyandrous,
anthers large, bithecous and basifixed.
Gynoecium : bicarpellary,
ovary, obliquely placed carpels in the flower, bilocular, axile
placentation, placenta swollen with many ovules.
Fruits : berry with
persistent calyx.
Floral formula :
10.Describe the various types
of placentations found in flowering plants.
is a parenchymatous cushion present inside the ovary where ovules are borne. The
number, position, arrangement or distribution of placentae inside an ovary is
called placentation. The placentation are of different types namely, marginal,
axile, parietal, basal and free central.
(i)Marginal placentation : The
placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules are
borne on this ridge forming two rows, e.g., pea.
(ii)Axile placentation :
When the placenta is axial and the ovules are attached to it in a multilocular
ovary, the placentation is said to be axile, e.g., china rose, tomato and
(iii)Parietal placentation : The ovules develop on the inner wall of
the ovary or on peripheral part. Ovary is one-chambered but it becomes
two-chambered due to the formation of the false septum, e.g., mustard and
(iv)Free central placentation : When the ovules are borne on
central axis and septa are absent, as in Dianthus and primrose the placentation
is called free central.
(v)Basal placentation: The placenta develops at the
base of ovary and a single ovule is attached to it, as in sunflower,
11.What is a flower? Describe
the parts of a typical angiosperm flower.
is the reproductive unit in the angiosperms. It is meant for sexual
reproduction. A typical flower has four different kinds of whorls arranged
successively on the swollen end of the stalk or pedicel, called thalamus or
receptacle. These are calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
Calyx and
corolla are accessory organs, while androecium and gynoecium are reproductive
organs. In some flowers like lily, the calyx and corolla are not distinct and
are termed as perianth. Some flowers have both androecium and gynoecium and are
termed hermaphrodite flowers while some flowers have only one of these two
Calyx : The calyx is the outermost whorl of the flower and its units
are called sepals. Generally, sepals are green, leaf like and protect the flower
in the bud stage. The calyx may be gamosepalous (sepals united) or polysepalous
(sepals free).
Corolla : Corolla is composed of petals. Petals • are usually
brightly coloured to attract insects for pollination. Like calyx, corolla may
also be free (polypetalous) or united (gamopetalous). The shape and colour of
corolla vary greatly in plants. Corolla may be tubular, bell-shaped,
funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped.
Androecium : Androecium is the male
reproductive part of the flower. It is composed of stamens. Each stamen which
represents the male reproductive organ consists of a stalk or a filament and an
anther. Each anther is usually bilobed and each lobe has two chambers, the
pollen-sacs. The pollen grains are produced in pollen-sacs. A sterile stamen is
called staminode.
Gynoecium : Gynoecium is the female reproductive part of
the flower and is made up of one or more carpels. A carpel consists of three
parts namely stigma, style and ovary. Ovary is the enlarged basal part, on which
lies the elongated tube, the style. The style connects the ovary to the stigma.
The stigma is usually at the tip of the style and is’ the receptive surface for
pollen grains. Each ovary bears one or more ovules attached to a flattened,
cushion-like placenta. When more than one carpel is present, they may be free
(as in lotus and rose) and are called apocarpous. They are termed syncarpous
when carpels are fused, as in mustard and tomato. After fertilisation, the
ovules develop into seeds and the ovary matures into a fruit.
12. How do the various leaf
modifications help plants?
perform various functions besides photosynthesis and thus they are modified into
different forms such as –
(i)Leaf tendrils: The different parts of a leaf are
modified into tendrils which help the plant in climbing up. Parts of leaf
modified into tendrils include stipules e.g., Smiiax ; petiole e.g., Clematis ;
leaf apex e.g., Gloriosa ; leaflets e.g., Pisum; whole leaf e.g., Lathyrus.
(ii)Leaf spines: Either for the protection of plant or to lessen the rate of
transpiration in xerophytic plants, the leaves modify into sharp, pointed
spines. Parts of leaf modified into leaf spines include stipules e.g., Zizyphus;
leaf margins e.g., Argemone; leaf apex e.g.r Yucca; entire leaf e.g.,
(iii)Phyllode: Petioles modify into leaf¬like green,
photosynthesising structure e.g., Parkinsonia, Acacia auriculiformis.
(iv)Scale or protective leaves : The leaves modify into hard scaly leaves which
protect the vegetative bud by covering them, e.g., Ficus, Artocarpus, Casuarina,
(v) Leaf hooks : They help in climbing e.g., Bignonia.
(vi)Leaf roots
: A leaf transforms into roots for balancing on water e.g., Salvinia.
(vii)Leaf pitchers : Leaf is modified into pitcher e.g., Nepenthes
(insectivorous), Dischidia (non-insectivorous).
(viii)Leaf bladder: The
leaves modify to form bladder like structure which trap insects and then it is
closed by a valve present on the mouth of bladder e.g., Utricularia
(ix) Leaf tentacles: The leaf of sundew plant, Drosera bear
minute hairs which have shinning, sticky substance at their tips (tentacles).
When any insect sits on the leaf, it is covered by these hairs.
13. Define the term
inflorescence. Explain the basis for the different types of inflorescence in
flowering plants.
Soln. The arrangement of
flowers on the floral axis is termed as inflorescence. A flower is a modified
shoot wherein internodes do not elongate and the axis gets condensed. The apex
produces different kinds of floral appendages laterally at successive nodes
instead of leaves. When a shoot tip transforms into a flower, it is always
solitary. Depending on whether the apex gets converted into a flower or
continues to grow, two major types of inflorescence are defined – racemose and
cymose. In racemose type of inflorescence the main axis continues to grow, the
flowers are borne laterally in acropetal succession. In cymose type of
inflorescence the main axis terminates in a flower, hence is limited in growth.
The flowers are borne in a basipeta! order.
14. Write the floral formula
of an actinomorphic, bisexual, hypogynous flower with five united sepals, five
free petals, five free stamens and two united carples with superior ovary and
axile placentation.
Soln. The floral formula
for actinomorphic, bisexual, hypogynous flower with five united sepals, five
free petals, five free stamens and two united carples with superior ovary
axile placentation is:
15.Describe the arrangement
of floral members in relation to their insertion on
Soln. In a typical
flower, the floral members like calyx, corolla, androecium and gynOecium are
arranged over the thalamus! Based on the position of calyx, corolla and
androecium in respect to ovary on thalamus, the flowers are described as
hypogynous, perigynous and epigynous ones. In the hypogynous flower the
gynoecium occupies the highest position while the other parts are situated below
it. The ovary in such flowers is said to be superior, e.g., mustard, china rose
and brinjal. If gynoecium is situated in the centre and other parts of the
flower are located on the rim of the thalamus almost at the same level, it is
called perigynous. The ovary here is said to be half inferior or sub superior,
e.g., plum, rose, peach. In epigynous flowers, the margin of thalamus grows
upward enclosing the ovary completely and gets fused with it; the other parts of
flower arise above the ovary. Hence, the ovary is said to be inferior as in
flowers of guava and cucumber, and the ray florets of sunflower.