1. Define growth,
differentiation, development, dedifferentiation, redifferentiation, determinate
growth, meristem and growth rate.
Solution: Growth
is defined as a vital process which brings about an irreversible and permanent
change in the shape, size, form, weight and volume of a cell, organ or whole
organism, accompanied with increase in dry matter.
Differentiation is a
localised qualitative change in size, biochemistry, structure and function of
cells, tissues or organs, e.g., fibre, vessel, tracheid, sieve tube, mesophyll,
leaf etc. Thus it is a change in form and physiological activity. It results in
specialisation for particular functions.
Development may be defined as a
process which includes growth, differentiation and maturation in a regular
sequence in the life history of a cell, organ or organism viz., seed
germination, growth, differentiation, flowering, seed formation and senescence.
Dedifferentiation is the process by which the differentiated cells which have
lost the ability to divide under certain circumstances, become meristematic and
regain the divisibility. Redifferentiation is defined as maturation or
differentiation of dedifferentiated cells to form cells which are unable to
divide e.g., secondary xylem elements, cork cells etc., are formed by
redifferentiation of secondary cambial cells.
Determinate growth is the
ability of a cell, tissue or the organism to grow for a limited period of
time. Meristem is a tissue consisting of unspecialised immature cells,
possessing the power of continuous cell division and adding new cells to the
body. Growth rate is defined as the increased growth per unit time.
2. Why is not any one
parameter good enough to demonstrate growth throughout the life of a flowering
Solution: A
flowering plant consists of a number of organs viz., roots, stem, leaves,
flowers, fruits etc. growing differently under different stages of life cycle.
These plant organs require different parameters to demonstrate their growth. In
plant organs like fruits, bulbs, corms etc. fresh weight is used for measuring
their growth. In case of fruits, increase in volume, diameter etc., are also
used as other parameters for the measurement of their growth. For flat organs
like leaves, increase in surface area is used as the parameter. Stem and roots
primarily grow in length and then in girth, thus increase in length and diameter
are used for measuring their growth. Consequently, the flowering plants exhibit
several parameters to demonstrate growth.
3. Describe
Arithmetic growth
(b) Geometric
Sigmoid growth curve
(d) Absolute and relative growth
Solution: (a)
Arithmetic growth: If the length of a plant organ is plotted against time it
shows a linear curve, the growth is called arithmetic growth. In this growth,
the rate of growth is constant and increase in growth occurs in arithmetic
progression e.g., length of a plant is measured as 2,4, 6, 8,10,12 cms at a
definite interval of 24 hrs. It is found in root or shoot elongating at constant
rate. Arithmetic growth is expressed as Lt = L0 +
rt Here, Lt = length after time t. L0
= length at the beginning, r = growth rate.
(b) Geometric growth: Geometric growth is the growth where
both the progeny cells following mitosis retain the ability to divide and
continue to do so. It occurs in many higher plants and in unicellular organisms
when grown in nutrient rich medium. Number of cells is initially small so that
initial growth is slow which is called lag phase. Later on, there is rapid
growth at exponential rate. It is called log or exponential phase.
(c) Sigmoid growth curve: Geometric growth cannot be
sustained for long. Some cells die. Limited nutrient availability causes slowing
down of growth. It leads to stationary phase. There may be actually a decline.
Plotting the growth against time will give a typical sigmoid or S-curve.
S-curve of growth is typical of most living organisms in
their natural environment. It also occurs in cells, tissues and organs of
(d) Absolute growth rate is the measurement of total growth per unit
time. Relative growth rate is growth per unit time per unit initial growth.
Growth in given time period/ Measurement at start of time period
Suppose two
leaves have grown by 5 cm2 in one day. Initial size of leaf A was 5
cm2 while that of leaf B was 50 cm2. Though their absolute
growth is the same (5 cm2/day), relative rate of growth is faster in
leaf A(5/5) because of initial small size than in leaf B(5/50).
4. List five main groups of
natural plant growth regulators. Write a note on discovery, physiological
functions and agricultural/ horticultural applications of any one of
Solution: There are
five main groups of natural plant growth regulators which are very much
recognised as natural hormones in plants. These are:
Discovery of auxin: In 1880, Charles Darwin and Francis Darwin worked with
the coleoptile of canary grass (Phalaris sp.) and found the existence of a
substance in coleoptile tip, which was able to recognise the light stimulus and
leads to the bending of tip towards light. Boysen and Jensen (1910-1913) worked
on Avena seedling and explained that the substances secreted in the tip are
soluble in water (gelatin).
Paal (1919) reported that the substances secreted
in the tip are translocated downwards and caused cell elongation in half portion
which was on the dark side and hence bending was observed in opposite
F.W. Went (1928) further refined this experiment and supported the
observations of Paal. He was the first person to isolate and name these
substances of tip as auxins (Greek Auxein – means ‘to grow’).
In 1931, Kogl
and Haagen-Smith isolated
crystalline compounds from human urine.
were named as auxin-a, auxin-b and
Physiological functions of auxins:
Agricultural/horticultural application of auxins:
5. What do you understand by
photoperiodism and vernalisation? Describe their
Solution: The
physiological mechanism for flower-ing is controlled by two factors: photoperiod
or light period, i.e., photoperiodism and low temperature, i.e., vernalisation.
Photoperiodism is defined as the flowering response of a plant to relative
lengths of light/ dark period. Significance of photoperiodism is as follows:
6. Why is abscisic acid also
known as stress hormone?
Solution: A fairly
high concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) is found in leaves of plants growing
under stress conditions, such as drought, flooding, injury, mineral deficiency
etc. It is accompanied by loss of turgor and closure of stomata. When such
plants are transferred to normal conditions, they regain normal turgor and ABA
concentration decreases. Since the synthesis of ABA is accelerated under stress
condition and the same is destroyed or inactivated when stress is relieved, it
is also known as stress hormone.
7. ‘Both growth and
differentiation in higher plants are open’. Comment.
Solution: Plant
growth is generally indeterminate. Higher plants possess specific areas called
meristems which take part in the formation of new cells. The body of plants is
built on a modular fashion where structure is never complete because the tips
(with apical meristem) “are open ended – always growing and forming new organs
to replace the older or senescent ones. Growth is invariably associated with
differentiation. The exact trigger for differentiation is also not known. Not
only the growth of plants are open- ended, their differentiation is also open.
The same apical meristem cells give rise to different types of cells at
maturity, e.g., xylem, phloem, parenchyma, sclerenchyma fibres, collenchyma,
etc. Thus, both the processes are indeterminate, unlimited and develop into
different structures at maturity i.e., both are open.
8. ‘Both a short day plant
and a long day plant can produce flower simultaneously in a given place’.
Solution: A short
day plant (SDP) flowers only when it receives a long dark period and short
photoperiod, e.g., Xanthium, Dahlia etc. On the other hand, a long day plant
(LDP) will flower only when it receives a long photoperiod and short dark
period, e.g., wheat, oat etc. Thus critical photoperiod is that continuous
duration of light which must not be exceeded in SDP and should always be
exceeded in LDP in order to bring them to flower. Xanthium requires light for
less than 15.6 hrs and Henbane requires light for more than 11 hrs. Xanthium (a
SDP) and Henbane (DP) will flower simultaneously in light period between 11 to
15.6 hrs.
9. Which one of the plant
growth regulators would you use if you are asked to
(a) induce rooting in a
quickly ripen a fruit
(c) delay leaf
(d) induce growth in axillary buds
(e) ‘bolt’ a rosette plant
(f) induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves.
Solution: (a)
Auxins like IBA, NAA.
(b) Ethylene
(c) Cytokinins
(d) Cytokinins
(f) Abscisic acid (ABA)
10. Would a defoliated plant
respond to photo- periodic cycle? Why?
Solution: No,
a defoliated plant would not respond to photoperiodic cycle because
photoperiodic stimulus is picked up by the leaves only. Even one leaf or a part
of it is sufficient for this purpose. For perception of photoperiodic cycle,
there must be the presence of leaves under inductive photoperiod, so that, the
hormone responsible for flowering can be produced.
11. What would be expected to
happen if:
(a) GA3 is applied to rice
(b) dividing cells stop differentiating
(c) a rotten fruit gets mixed with unripe fruits
(d) you forget to add cytokinin to the culture medium.
(a) The
coleoptile will elongate rapidly, as GA3 helps in cell
(b) The development of callus (mass of undifferentiated cells) will
take place.
(c) The unripe fruits will ripe quickly because of the increased
rate of respiration due to emission of ethylene from rotten fruit.
(d) Cell
division will retard and shoot will not initiate from the callus.