1.What are the factors
affecting the rate of diffusion?
Factors affecting the rate of diffusion are :
2.What are porins? What role
do they play in diffusion?
Solution: The
porins are proteins that form huge pores in the outer membranes of the plastids,
mitochondria and some bacteria allowing molecules up to the size of small
proteins to pass through. Thus they play an important ‘ role in facilitated
3.Describe the role played by
protein pumps during active transport in plants.
Solution: Active
transport uses energy to pump molecules against a concentration gradient. Active
transport is carried out by membrane play a major role in both active as well as
passive transport. Pumps are proteins that use energy to carry substances across
the cell membrane. These pumps can transport substances from a low concentration
to a high concentration (‘uphill’ transport). E.g.,H+
pump,K+ pump, Cl- pump, Na+-K pump.The pumps operate with the
help of ATP.K+-H+ exchange pump occurs in guard cells.
Na+-K+ exchange pump operates across many animal
membranes. Transport rate reaches a maximum when all the protein transporters or
pumps are being used or are saturated.Like enzymes these carrier proteins are
very specific in what they carry across the membrane. These proteins are
sensitive to inhibitors that react with protein side chains.
4. Explain why pure water has
the maximum water potential.
Solution: Water
molecules possess kinetic energy. In liquid and gaseous form they are in
random motion that is both rapid and constant. The greater the
concentration of water in a system, the greater is its kinetic energy or
‘water potential’. Hence, it is obvious that pure water will have the
greatest water potential. Water potential is denoted by the Greek symbol
Psi or ψ and is expressed in pressure units such as pascals (Pa). By convention,
the water potential of pure water at standard temperatures, which is not under
any pressure, is taken to be zero. If some solute is dissolved in pure water,
the solution has less free water and the concentration of water’decreases,
reducing its water potential. Hence, all solutions have a lower water potential
than pure water.
5.Briefly describe water
potential. What are the factors affecting it?
The term water potential was first used by Slatyer and Taylor (1960). The free
energy per mole of any particular chemical species in a multicomponent system is
defined as the chemical potential of that species. The chemical potential of
water is referred to as the water potential (ψw). Since the ψ of pure
water is zero (0), the presence of solute particles reduces the free energy of
water, thus decreases the water potential (negative value). Therefore,ψ of
solution is always less than zero or its highest value is zero.
For solutions
water potential is determined by three internal factors, i.e.,ψw =
ψm + ψs + ψp (where ψm is
matric potential which is used for the surface such as soil particles or cell
wall to which water molecules are absorbed, ψsis solute potential,
also called osmotic potential, the amount by which water potential is reduced
and ψp is pressure potential such as TP and WP). Since in plant
system ψm is disregarded the equation may be simplified as
ψw = ψs + ψp
6. What happens when a
pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a
Solution: If a
pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a
solution, its water potential increases. It is equivalent to pumping water from
one place to another. Pressure can build up in a plant system when water enters
a plant cell due to diffusion causing a pressure built up against the cell wall,
it makes the cell turgid.
7. (a) With fhe help of
well-labelled diagrams, describe the process of plasmolysis in plants, giving
appropriate examples.
(b) Explain what will happen to a
plant cell if it is kept in a solution having higher water
Soln.(a) Shrinkage of the
protoplast of a cell from its cell wall under the influence of a hypertonic
solution is called plasmolysis. Hypertonic solution causes exosmosis or
withdrawal of water from cytoplasm and then the central vacuole of cell. The
size of cytoplasm, as well as central vacuole and hence protoplast, becomes
reduced. The first stage of plasmolysis is called limiting plasmolysis. At
limiting plasmolysis, the pressure potential ( ψp ) is zero and the
osmotic concentration of cejl interior is just equivalent to that of external
solution (isotonic). The cell is called flaccid. When pressure potential becomes
negative, the protoplast withdraws itself from the comers. This stage is known
as incipient plasmolysis. At incipient plasmolysis, the cell wall exerts no
pressure on the cell contents (i.e. ψp is zero). Hence at this
stage ψw = ψs. The hypertonic solution now enters the
cell in between the protoplast and the cell wall. Due to continued exosmosis,
protoplast shrinks further and withdraws from the cell wall except one or a few
points. It is known as evident plasmolysis.
Examples of plasmolysis :
(i) Pickles, meat and fish are
preserved by salting. Similarly, jams and jellies are preserved by sweetening
with sugars. Salting and sweetening create hypertonic condition in which the
fungi and bacteria get killed by plasmolysis.
(ii)Salting kills the weeds of
lawns by inducing plasmolysis in their cells.
(iii)Plasmolytic method is
applied for the determination of osmotic pressure of a cell in the
(b) When the cells are placed in a solution having higher water
potential i.e., hypotonic solution (dilute solution as compared to the
cytoplasm), water diffuses into the cell causing the cytoplasm to build up a
pressure against the wall, that is called turgor pressure. The pressure exerted
by the protoplasts due to entry of water against the rigid walls is called
pressure potential ψp . Because of the rigidity of the cell wall, the
cell does not rupture. This turgor pressure is ultimately responsible for –
enlargement and extension of cells.
8.How is the mycorrhizal
association helpful in absorption of water and minerals in
Soln. Some plants have
additional structures associated with them that help in water (and mineral)
absorption. A mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of a,fungus with a root
system. The fungal filaments form a network around the young root or they
penetrate the root cells. The hyphae have a very large surface area that absorb
mineral ions and water from the soil from a much larger volume of soil that
perhaps a root cannot do. The fungus provides minerals and water to the roots,
in turn the roots provide sugars and N-containing compounds to the mycorrhizae.
Some plants have an obligate association with the mycorrhizae. For example Pinus
seeds cannot germinate and establish without the presence of mycorrhizae.
9.What role does root
pressure play in water movement in plants?
As various ions from the soil are actively transported into the vascular
tissues of the roots, water follows (its potential gradient) and increases the
pressure inside the xylem. This positive pressure is called root pressure, and
can be responsible for pushing up water to small heights in the stem. Root
pressure can, at. best, only provide a modest push in the overall process of
water transport. They obviously do not play a major role in water movement up
tall trees. The greatest contribution of root pressure may be to re-establish
the continuous chains of water molecules in the xylem which often break under
the enormous tensions created by transpiration.
10.Describe transpiration
pull model of water transport in plants. What are the factors influencing
transpiration? How is it useful to plants?
pull or cohesion-tension theory was originally proposed by Dixon and Joly in
1894 and further improved by Dixon in 1914. According to this theory, a
column of water is present in the xylem channels of plant. The
continuity of water column is maintained in the plant because of cohesive force
of water molecules. There is another force of adhesion which holds water tp the
walls of xylem vessels. During transpiration in plants, water is lost, in form
of water vapour, from the mesophyll cells to exterior, through stomata. As a
result, the turgor pressure of these cells decreases and the diffusion pressure
deficit (DPD) increases. Now these cells take water from adjoining cells and the
turgor of those adjoining cells decreases. This process is repeated and
ultimately water is absorbed from nearest xylem vessels of leaf. As there is a
continuous water column inside the xylem elements, a tension or pull is
transmitted down and finally transmitted to root, resulting in the upward
movement of water.
Factors affecting transpiration include both environmental
and internal factors. Environmental factors:
(i) Relative humidity – The rate
of transpiration is inversely proportional to the relative humidity, i.e., the
rate of transpiration is higher when the relative humidity is lower and lower
when the relative humidity is higher.
(ii)Atmospheric temperature – A high
temperature opens stomata even in darkness. Besides producing a heating effect,
it lowers the relative humidity of the air and increases vapour pressure inside
transpiring organ. Consequently, rate of transpiration increases.
– Because most of the transpiration occurs through stomata, the rate of
transpiration is quite high is light. It falls down appreciably in the
(iv)Air movements – Transpiration is lower in the still air because
water vapours accumulate around the transpiring organs and reduce the DPD of the
air. The movement of the air increases the rate of transpiration by removing the
saturated air around the leaves.
(v) Atmospheric pressure – Low atmospheric
pressure enhances evaporation, produces air currents and increases the rate of
(vi)Availability of water – The rate of transpiration depends
upon the rate of absorption of soil water by roots. This is further influenced
by a number of soil factors like soil water, soil particles, soil temperature,
soil air, etc.
Internal or plant factors :
(i) Leaf area (transpiring
area) – A plant with large leaf area will show more transpiration than another
plant with less leaf area.
(ii)Leaf structure – Leaf structure affects
transpiration in following ways:
(a) Cuticular transpiration decreases with
the thickness of cuticle and cutinisation of epidermal walls.
(b) Because
most of the transpiration takes place through the stomata, their number and
position influences the rate of transpiration.
(c) The sunken stomata are
device to reduce the rate of transpiration by providing an area where little air
movement occurs.
(iii)Root/shoot ratio – A low root/shoot ratio decreases the
rate of transpiration while a high ratio increases the rate of
(iv)Mucilage and solutes – They decrease the rate of
transpiration by holding water tenaciously.
Transpiration is useful to plants
in the following ways:
(i) Removal of excess water – It has been held
that plants absorb far more amount of water than is actually required by them.
Transpiration, therefore, removes the excess of water.
(ii)Root system –
Transpiration helps in better development of root system which is required for
support and absorption of mineral salts.
(iii)Quality of fruits – The ash and
sugar content of the fruit increases with the increase in transpiration.
(iv)Temperature maintenance – Transpiration prevents overheating of leaves.
However, plants growing in areas where transpiration is meagre do not show
over¬heating. Some succulents can endure a temperature of 60°C without any
apparent damage.
(v)Pole in ascent of sap and turgidity – Ascent of sap
mostly occurs due to transpiration pull exerted by transpiration of water. This
pull is important in the absorption of water. Further, transpiration maintains
the shape and structure of plant parts by keeping cells turgid.
(vi)Distribution of mineral salts- Mineral are mostly distributed by rising
column of sap.
(vii)Photosynthesis – Transpiration supplies water for
11.Discuss the factors
responsible for ascent of xylem sap in plants.
Xylem sap ascends mainly due to forces generating in the foliage of
plants as a result of active transpiration. Thus, the factors which enhance the
rate of transpiration are also the factors responsible for ascent of xylem sap
in plants.
Various factors responsible for ascent of xylem sap in plants are
as follows:
(i) Capillarity: There is limited rise of water in narrow tubes
or capillaries due to forces of cohesion amongst molecules of water and their
property of adhesion to other substance.
(ii)Root pressure: It is positive
pressure that pushes sap from below due to active absorption by root.
(iii)Transpiration pull: Transpiration in aerial parts brings the xylem sap
under negative pressure or tension due to continuous withdrawal of water by
them. Water column does not break due to its high tensile strength related to
high force of cohesion and adhesion.
12.What essential role does
the root endodermis play during mineral absorption in
Soln. Like all cells, the
endodermal cells have many transport proteins embedded in their plasma membrane;
they let some solutes cross the membrane, but not others. Transport proteins of
endodermal cells are control points, where a plant adjusts the quantity and
types of solutes that reach the xylem. Because of the layer of suberin, the root
endodermis has the ability to actively transport ions in one direction only.
13.Explain why xylem
transport is unidirectional and phloem transport
Soln. Transport over
longer distances proceeds through the vascular system (the xylem and the phloem)
and is called translocation. In rooted plants, transport in xylem (to water and
minerals) is essentially unidirectional, from roots to the stems. Organic and
mineral nutrients however, undergo multidirectional transport. Food, primarily
sucrose, is transported by the vascular tissue, phloem, from a source to a sink.
Usually the source is part of the plant which synthesises the food,
i.e., the
leaf, and sink, the part that needs or stores the food. But, the source and sink
may be reversed depending on the season, or the plant’s needs. Since the
source-sink relationship is variable, the direction of movement in the phloem
can be upward or downward, i.e., bi-directional. Hence, unlike one-way flow of
water in xylem, food in phloem tissues can be transported in any required
14.Explain pressure flow
hypothesis of translocation of sugars in plants.
The accepted mechanism used for the translocation of sugars from source
to sink is called the pressure flow hypothesis. As glucose is prepared at the
source i.e., in leaves, (by photosynthesis) it is converted to sucrose (a
dissacharide). The sugar is then moved in the form of sucrose into adjacent
companion cells and then into the living phloem i.e., in sieve tube cells by
active transport. This process of loading at the source produces a hypertonic
conditions in the phloem. Water in the adjacent xylem moves into the phloem by
osmosis. As osmotic pressure builds up, the phloem sap will move to areas of
lower pressure. At the sink, osmotic pressure must be reduced. Again active
transport is necessary to move the sucrose out of the
phloem sap and into the
cells which will use the sugar converting it into energy, starch, or cellulose.
As sugars are removed, the osmotic pressure of the phloem decreases and water
moves out of the phloem
15.What causes the opening
and closing of guard cells of stomata during
Soln.Transpiration is the
evaporative loss of water by plants. It occurs mainly through the stomata in the
leaves. The immediate cause of the opening or closing of the stomata is change
in the turgidity of the guard cells. The inner wall of each of the guard cells,
towards the pore or stomatal aperture, is thick and elastic. When turgidity
increases within the two guard cells flanking each stomatal aperture or pore,
the thin outer walls bulge out and force the inner walls into a crescent shape
and thus the stomata opens. The opening of the stoma is also aided due to the
orientation of the microfibrils in the cell walls of the guard cells. Cellulose
microfibrils are oriented radially rather than longitudinally making it easier
for the stoma to open. When the guard cells lose turgor, due to water loss (or
water stress) the elastic inner walls regain their original shape, the guard
cells become flaccid and the stoma closes.
16.Differentiate between the
(a) Diffusion and Osmosis
(b) Transpiration and Evaporation
(c) Osmotic Pressure and Osmotic Potential
(d) Imbibition and Diffusion
(e) Apoplast and Symplast pathway of movement of water in
Gutta’tion and Transpiration
(a) Differences between diffusion and osmosis are as follows :
(b) Differences between transpiration and evaporation are as
(c)Differences between osmotic pressure and osmotic potential
are as follows:
(d) Differences between imbibition and diffusion are as
(e) Differences between apoplast pathway and symplast pathway
are as follows:
(f) Differences between guttation and transpiration are as