Case Description:
In a physical education class, the heights (in cm) of 10 students were measured
and recorded as follows: 150, 155, 160, 162, 155, 158, 165, 170, 155, 160. The
teacher aims to analyze the data to determine the average height of the students
and identify any trends. To do this, they will calculate the mean, mode, and
range of the heights.
What is the mean height of the students?
Which value appears most frequently in the data set?
What is the range of the heights in the class?
If one student measuring 165 cm is removed from the data, what will be the new mean height?
Case Description:
A family tracked their weekly expenses on groceries for four weeks as follows:
₹2000, ₹2200, ₹1800, ₹2100. The family wants to find the average weekly expense
to budget better for the upcoming month. They will calculate the mean and create
a frequency distribution to visualize their spending habits.
What is the total expense over the four weeks?
What is the mean weekly expense?
Which of the following statements is true regarding the family’s spending?
If the family plans to reduce their expenses by 10% next month, what will be their new average weekly expense?
Case Description:
The scores obtained by 15 students in a mathematics exam are as follows: 35, 40,
45, 50, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80, 85, 90, 95. The teacher wants to
determine the performance of the class by calculating the median score and
identifying any outliers.
What is the median score of the class?
How many students scored above 80?
Which score can be considered an outlier in this data set?
If the highest score (95) is replaced with a score of 85, what will be the new median?
Case Description:
A survey was conducted among 50 students about their favorite sports. The
results are as follows: Cricket (15), Football (12), Basketball (10), Badminton
(5), and Tennis (8). The sports teacher wants to create a pie chart to represent
this data visually and analyze the preferences of the students.
What percentage of students chose cricket as their favorite sport?
Which sport is the least favorite among the students?
If an additional 5 students are surveyed and all choose basketball, what will be the new total for basketball?
In a pie chart representing these results, what would be the angle corresponding to the favorite sport of football?
Case Description:
The monthly average temperatures (in °C) recorded for a city over six months
are: January (15), February (17), March (20), April (22), May (25), June (28).
The city council is interested in understanding the temperature trend and
deciding when to schedule outdoor events. They will calculate the mean
temperature and analyze the monthly changes.
What is the mean temperature over the six months?
Which month had the highest temperature?
If July's average temperature is 30°C, how will it affect the mean temperature of the seven months?
What is the increase in temperature from January to June?