Chapter 4 - The Making Of A Global World

Class 10thSocial Science- The Making Of A Global World

Practice Questions
Question 1.

How were Cowries used in the ancient period?


Cowries were used in the ancient period as a form of currency.

Question 2.

What does silk Route refer to?


These were the routes which connect vast regions of Asia and linked Asia with Europe and N-Africa.

The silk route was majority used to transport Chinese silk to Europe through Central Asia from 2nd century BC.

Gold and silver travelled through the silk route.

Chines potteries travelled from china to other countries through this route.

Question 3.

In the context of industrial production what is meant by assembly line production?


Assembly Line was a method of faster and cheaper way of producing vehicles. This was introduced by Henry Ford.

Assembly line forced workers to repeat a single task mechanically and continuously at a pace directed by conveyor belt.

Question 4.

Which country has an effective right of veto over IMF and World Bank?


After the war in 1944 delegates from allied nations met in Bretton Woods in New Hampshire USA to discuss the world economy.

The Bretton Woods conference established IMF to deal with external surplus and deficits of its member nations.

The World Bank was set up to finance post war reconstruction.

The IMF and World Bank commenced financial operations in 1947.

The Industrial powers controlled the decision making of institutions.

US has an effective right of veto over IMF and World Bank

Question 5.

What was the aim of post- war international economic system?


The aim of post-war international economic system was to preserve economic stability and full employment in the industrial world.

Its framework was agreed upon at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in USA.

The Bretton Woods conference established the IMF and the World Bank.

Question 6.

What is meant by the term ‘globalisation’? Describe the three of movements or flows within international economics exchange.


Globalisation means integrating the economy of a country with the economies of other countries under conditions of free flow of trade and capital.

The three of movements or flows with in international economic exchange-

a) Flow of trade- In the nineteenth century flow of trade was referred largely to trade in goods i.e. cloth or wheat.

b) Flow of labour- People migrate from one place to another in search of employment.

c) Movement of capital- It was for short-term or long-term investment over long distances.

Question 7.

Explain what we mean when we say that the world shrank in the 1500s.


When we say that the world shrank in the 1500s means that –

a) European discovered the sea route to Asia and so trade activities increased between Asia and Europe.

b) The American continent was discovered only when the sea route through the Atlantic Ocean to America was found.

c) Due to the above reasons, there was increased interaction among the people leaving in various continent, of the world, thus causing the world to shrink in symbolic terms.

Question 8.

What were canal colonies in Punjab?


Canal colonies in Punjab were-

a) The British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals to change semi-desert areas into fertile agricultural lands.

b) They could grow wheat and cotton for export.

c) The areas of those colonies were irrigated by new canals and peasants were settled from other parts of Punjab.

Question 9.

Why did thousands of people flee away from Europe to America in the 19th century? Give any three reasons.


Thousands of people flew away from Europe to America in the 19th century because-

a) Poverty and hunger were common in Europe till the 19th century.

b) Cities were crowded and deadly diseases were widespread.

c) Religious conflicts were common in Europe.

d) Religious dissenters were punished or ill-treated or harassed.

Question 10.

Discuss the importance of language and popular traditions in the creation of national identify.


In the creation of national identity language and traditions are very important.

a) A person is identified by his language and tradition because the language they speak belongs to his motherland.

b) They give an identity to an individual.

c) They are always alive but people are born and die.

Question 11.

Who profit from jute cultivation according to the jute growers’ lament? Explain.


a) Traders and moneylenders were profited from jute cultivation.

b) Peasants of Bengal cultivated raw jute in the hope of better yield and increase in exports.

c) But this would not happen as gunny exports collapsed due to the depression and price of raw jute crashed 60%.

d) Peasants who borrowed money from moneylenders fell into debt.

e) Thus, only the traders and moneylenders were getting huge profit from jute cultivation not the farmers.

Question 12.

How were the working condition for the indentured migrant overseas? How did the different cultural form blend into new forms?


The working condition for the indentured migrant overseas were:-

a) Labours found extremely horrible and miserable leaving and working conditions when they arrived at the plantation.

b) Working hours were very long.

c) Labours did not have any legal rights.

The different cultural form blended into new forms-

a) The annual Muharram procession was converted into a riotous carnival called ‘Hosay’ in which workers of all races and religious joined in Trinidad.

b) The protest religion of Rastafarianism made famous by the Jamaican reggae star Bob Marley is also said to reflect social and cultural with Indian migrants to the Caribbean.

c) ‘Chutney music’, popular in Trinidad and Guyana, is another creative contemporary expression of the post-indenture experience.

d) These forms of cultural are part of the making of the global world, where things form different places get mixed, lose their original identity and become entirely new.

Question 13.

The silk route are a good example of vibrant pre modern trade and cultural link between distant parts of the world. What values do the cultural links exhibit?


The cultural links exhibits following values:-

i) The silk routes are a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the world.

ii) Buddhist Monk went from to central Asia to China with merchant caravans, preachingthe new religion.

iii) Buddhist Monuments were discovered in numerous city along the silk route.

iv) The silk route was the route for the new wave of Christianity.

v) The silk route was not only the source of goods but also for exchange of technologies (production of silk, paper, gun powder and Guns).

vi) The art of silk weaving and sericulture which was monopolised by China spread in central Asia, Iran and other country by this routes.

vii) Chinese pottery also travelled the same route, as did textiles and spices from India and Southeast Asia. In return, precious metals – gold and silver -flowed from Europe to Asia.

viii) Music Transition – Music of Turkey and central Asia, India, Samarkand were merge with Chinese musical transition.

ix) Choreographic Culture- Actors from Turkey and Iran made significant contribution to the choreographic culture of China.